The small project Monday is a really ... really ... really small ...
My cops Charlotte is super creative. It cosplay, she plays the harp and sax and cares for her dolls so admirable, his arms fall to me sometimes to see what she is capable.
I wanted try my hand at a little knit hat for Blythe's . Obviously I'm still typing shame because her mother knits clothes for her dolls to the chain! Me with my cap Benet, I looked a little idiot ^ ^
That's okay, I liked anyway. To make this hat, I pulled out all the fine needles of my grandmother and I sat before the Christmas concert at my job. It was my good faith likeable than knitting while listening to songs or German and Mexican
humming "The Twelve Days of Christmas" while decreasing the number of stitches!
Well, the result is cute, even if the button was missing and that Chacha had to add it (the looooose ^ ^). Chacha and was so happy she gave me one of her dolls lying around now with his new job at potos.
I know there's a whole world of fans dolls hidden somewhere in limbo but I can not join. This small cap is the only book that I'd doll. For cons, I have great admiration for the boundless creativity of some of these passionate anyway.
It's amazing to see how they put their ideas into practice and how well they know their dolls away. If you're interested, I recommend the site Nelen, who is also frappadingue the doll!
I leave you with some pictures of my chacha, to show you a how she is too beautiful and too two to show you that the establishment is often beyond knitting, decoration or welding ^ ^

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