I have a big nose with a gastrointestinal pitites ...
It stinks to be sick. It stinks even more when one is sick and MOM. The kids have no empathy and do not care much to see us spit pieces of lungs on the sofa.
In addition, we spend our time taking RTT or jousr leave for our kids, when there's a strike of the school, the nanny is sick, or when our kid is sick ... suddenly, you feel guilty for taking even a single day of sick leave when you do not feel well.
Colleagues who come out of "but go home, you do not look good," they can not answer that has already taken 50 days leave ramassen parents qui le vomit de them-brat ... and that feels pa
Yes, absenthéisme exists among parents. When will we accept?
short, I am home sick and I had to promise my husband does not do laundry or dishes or storage or anything. I watched a lot of TV movies, episodes of Charmed and I did a little knitting. A rest that I am not very familiar to me but good. If the weather is nice tomorrow I'll walk in the park below my house.
few stolen moments which I will use more often, without sore throat and nose flows. Drink hot tea with honey with the cat purring next to finish wool mittens and watch the sun illuminate the tops of trees in the beautiful view from our window ...
Even sick, it makes me anyway good in my head ...
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