Some of you I had the chance to meet live are very surprised to see me a fan of Jane Austen . Well you're right! I non-plus I do not understand how I became a fan of this beloved Jane. Everything went

I do not know what the strength of these books. It's frightening to see how a cult is dedicated to Jane Austen. The most loyal Janeites are even afraid ... They are equally stubborn and dilapidated that some otaku or geeks I know.
Who is Jane?
Jane is a writer of English 18th-19th century who wrote six novels and several other tests. She died a sick fairly early, at age 42, surrounded by his sister and his mom. His father, who was pastor had already died but had managed to build around him and his wife and a strong family solidarity. Jane was close to his brothers and especially her sister Cassandra. It is through the letters between Jane and Cassandra and between Jane and her niece Fanny that was able to reconstruct many details of the privacy of Jane.
And what she wrote?
I, who believed that his books were stories rose water, I was served. In fact, Jane had a good laugh with all these new telling of the life of the British aristocracy and their love stories. It criticizes with great humor and very honest confronts a society that encourages forced marriages.
Frankly, I have rarely laughed so much in reading Jane Austen.
Humor and feminism? I say ouiiiii Ouii oh!
His best known works are "Pride & Prejudice" (Pride and Prejudice) and "Sense and Sensibility" (Sense and Sensibility). His pair of lovers the most popular is that of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy from Pride & Prejudice. Declined on the screen by many actors and actresses, they dream of many readers (and readers).
By cons, once you read the other books, it's hard to know which is most appreciated. Often it's the last we read ^ ^
The problem with Jane is that when we do not know, you do not want to read it. It's old, it's stories of love, anything.
Heck yeah ben sorry but go ahead anyway.
If you're curious, I suggest a small path that takes you gently to the heart of Jane Austen.
Beginnings smooth

Already, if you're more, repeat Bridget Jones's Diary . Me I have not hooked to this movie, let alone the book but hey, it's still based on Pride & Prejudice.
Then you look Clueless, a cute little movie of the '90s, adapted from Emma. We could say that it's "Legally Blonde " (the Legally Blonde), in high school, which meets "Beverly Hills" in a story by Jane Austen.
For fans of Bollywood, not watching "Bride and Prejudice " (thunderbolt in Bollywood) because it's bad when you know the kind. By cons, if you do not know Bollywood, you can go, it's cute.
The beginnings for those who do not read
A TON of TV series and movies available. Here are the most significant.
"Pride and Prejudice ," the BBC TV series of the '90s, known for the scene where Darcy (Colin Firth) comes out of the water in a white shirt. This is the scene's flagship series, but personally, I never understood why I had to love him ^ ^ "
Otherwise, it's a very very very very very good series! Is the series that me want to read the book. For many fans, this is the best Jane Austen adaptation that exists.
When a fan talking about an adaptation of P & P, it necessarily speaks "the BBC series with Colin Firth" and it's true that good dear Colin (who reprise his role as Mr. Darcy few years Later in Bridget Jones), is absolutely radiant in this series. No, seriously, to fall on your ass!
"Pride and Prejudice " movie starring Keira Knightley. I know I'm going to kill as the fans by saying that I really liked this movie but it is downright fun. Full of joie de vivre and with the cartoons that grow well beyond the famous TV series. Superb casting with Judy Dench & Donald Sutherland but with Darcy who has tried to emulate Colin too.
" Sense and Sensibility" with Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet (Hugh Laurie and Hugh Grant and Alan Rickman and ...). While Emma Thompson has far too many charismatic and safe to carry the character of the young and naive Elinor, this film is very successful and charming. It is carried away by the apparent slowness of the story actually moves in all directions. Delicious!
Then there was also Emma

And finally, there Persuasion, which I loved for Ruper Penry-Jones as Captain Wentworth (miamiaaaam), even if his beloved (or not?) Has the look and beef is tasteless ...
Other adaptations have failed to charm me and me too old to really appreciate.
There are a ton of opinions about the order in which they "must" discover the works of Jane Austen. Here is a possibility that seems very valid:
(read them in chronological order is not obvious because the books were not published in the order in which she wrote so it depends on the timing you prefer).
1. Northanger Abbey, for humor and personality Jane player. The heroine who loves to read horror novels will be served with her boyfriend and arrogant prankster.
2. Pride and Prejudice because it contains a similar but more sophisticated humor and love stories are very intense and fully described, especially towards the end.
3 / 4. Emma and Mansfield Park, which contain less descriptive of the setting and describe the characters more as a caricature. These are works the least preferred by fans.
5. Sense and Sensibility, which is calmer, more thoughtful, which contrasts with Emma and Mansfield Park
6. Persuasion, which the two heroes most mature, which is a bit darker and more full.
Level up! Jane Austen level
For those who have already seen and read everything, there are still things to discover! Without going through the letters of Jane and Cassandra, there are some very nice movies.
Miss Austen Regrets tells the romance of Jane's letters by Cassandra and Fanny, his niece. Very touching and respectful.

Lost in Austen is perhaps not the best TV series that exists but is awfully funny anyway. A girl of the 21st century is a door and finds himself right in the novel Pride and Prejudice, perfect anachronism. Everything goes wrong and it has four episodes to put everything back on track. Those who have read P & P ricanneront well, although Darcy is not great, Collins is very relevant ^ ^
The Jane Austen Book Club brings together six players mix and Jane reading his books with stories love the six protagonists. Approach very human very candid and very recognizable
And then there's the fabulous "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies", which is expected to adapt to the screen once they have found a director. I look forward to reading it ^ ^
"While Mrs. Bennet prepares his five daughters hunting husband, Mr. Bennet prepares to kill zombies" is not the class, right?!
What are my favorite books
Persuasion & Northanger Abbey. Persuasion to maturity and Northanger Abbey for the heroine and her stupid move to "grounded" without losing his sense of humor and passion.
Although I like all the other books and I love all the heroines, they are intelligent, naïve, stupid, vain, adorable, relevant, ...
What is my favorite hero?
Bah yeah, guy talk!
If I had to get married, it would be a combination of Bingley and his joie de vivre with Colonel Brandon and his integrity.
And now, a very long post but well transcribed my appreciation to Jane Austen. See for yourself if you'll indulge yourself and then if not, bah too bad for you ^ ^ EDIT
Other blogs that talk about it so well:
Read, read, do not read ... (Pride and Prejudice)
Dreiss (Persuasion)
Reading is a pleasure (Pride and Prejudice)
Loops and Feathers (Lady Susan, a small little known novel by Jane)
Ahezcess (Sense and Sensibility )
The irregular (Persuasion)
When Mei Ling advises (Northanger Abbey, read what a great idea for Halloween!)
Visit the home of Jane by Small papers miss
( although the true house no longer exists, it is a beautiful replica)
and to participate:
The organization of a common reading of Emma by "the happiness of nane "
And the quiz "Which Jane Austen Heroin Are You? " (I am Catherine Morland, too dla ball I love it ^ ^)
And I leave you with the fabulous trailer for Pride & Prejudice BOOK & Zombies and a little extra
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