I survived my first Valentine's Day in the French blogosphere!
And I must say is so-called ultra-violent, roasters!
I noted the presence of two camps: • Those who are
fully into the Valentine
• Those who are fully into the commercial anti-Valentine's Day. And we
is always part of a clan or another.
Those who are pro-Valentin did not even see the other clan because they are too busy to crochet, cook, create, buy, daydreaming. By cons, those who are anti-Valentine saw too much the other clan and are very busy .... Ba am NOT crocheting, cooking NOT, NOT create NOT buy ... pity!
I was very surprised by the animosity that is found only on the day of Saint Valentine. At Christmas, no one gets on

And Mother's Day, which was recently reinvented so purely and simply to boost the economy and to restore women to their place, criticism, Mother's Day? Bah, not as much as Valentine's Day, eh.
And I do not know if you noticed but we live in a capitalist society, ALL is trading!
Me, I think Valentine's Day is a celebration where everyone does as he pleases. Nobody forces us to celebrate, what I know? Just as one would force us to party on Dec. 31 anyway.
The year of my best Valentine's Day was 2006 when I was single. And I never benefited as much bah! I asked the restaurant alone with my book I had bought in my book shopping promenade, I walked the streets of Paris and I went to see a movie.
It is never as good as pampered by yourself, I think.
Mister Moog and me rarely celebrates Valentine's Day. It must be said is that the big lazy never think to book a restaurant (too expensive with the babysitters bonus) or buy a gift. And yet ... It was celebrated yesterday, and many of the following:
- I forgot to put my alarm clock and I woke up with my husband. So I could take the subway to work with him. We held hands in the subway and a few kisses. It's so rare that it was great.
- In a month is the anniversary of Mister Moog, I have already bought a cad MiniMoog water but wanted it opens Sunday ... Bah of the coup it became his Valentine's gift and I can get back to hunting for gifts.
- Mister Moog made a jump to the supermarket and I brought all my favorite desserts: white chocolate Oreos, Pepperidge Farm cookies, Danette vanilla TimTam ... and the ultimate chocolate cookie white Subway
^ ^ - It's
And besides, I'm more in love with Mister Moog, it must be said. Mister Moog, I love her deeply now, nothing to do with love at first sight that I had for him there are now 4 ½ years. So, looking at him in the eye by going to work yesterday morning, it reminded me of memories of a few years ago and it made me smile. And I'm fallen in love with my Mister Moog to me anyway belched "Happy Valentines Day" last night on the couch watching TV ^ ^
Rhaaaa we fell into the trap of commercial Valentine TimTams buy and hold hands in the subway! What is after, an iron for Mother's Day?!
Little more:
The design comes from the blog BD Lili likes nougat
Today 's St. Claude is the patron of pipes!
My mommy wants me to be less vulgar ... It is not won ... Sorry mommy, to forgive me, I'll buy an iron for Mother's Day, ok?
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