Welcome minute poetry!
Someone once asked me what image I'll use to illustrate the concept of intimate couples. I had trouble finding an answer but now I've found in my little knitting sleeve love. ^ ^
Love is when two people simply hold hands, each in his glove. But where a couple becomes an entity becomes a new goal total is where the two become more than mittens.
Yes, I know, I know, I'm not good at flowery words but it's true that love knitting the sleeve, it made me think about my Mister Moog and I was knitting, smiling stupidly ^ ^ Like what
, knitting can be a nice metaphor for love.
short, two weeks ago, I got tested for a gift to Joke, who married. Yeah, what can we offer each other for a knitter who is getting married? A sleeve amouuur
^ ^ I chose a wool-color to illustrate their mixed couple and I added a nice tit crochet heart of Cascade 220 red.
I liked the idea so much that I wanted to do it again, except that this time I will buy the wool to make gloves for the three other small loving couple that I like; my cousin and his beautiful Italian ^ ^ I hope
seriously as they do not read my blog because I'd like to keep it a surprise but I really love this little project that I can not keep it to myself ... when you hold us Mooglouglou ^ ^
I stumbled on this double mitten in Drops . I performed magic loop and fortunately because otherwise I'd be shot. I hate double-pointed needles! Nah! That said!
Well, I knitted sleeve Joke, I preferred to do without jacquard confuse me because I was afraid of needles but my second attempt, I dropped and I did jacquard + magic loop. YEAH! And in the end I managed to do the same magic loop jacquard + + to change trains at Nation. I'm really too high ^ ^
Frankly, very quick to knit through the very thick wool spots, purchased from Knitting Promotion (yippeee), I think I'm pretty well drawn .
Even I made a mistake that has been embellished in the project! The small jacquard pattern on pattern is described as a form of "M", but in the wrong spot, I found myself with little hearts instead of "M" in question. It is not Choubidou, it ?
good look: five rows (as indicated on pattern) = "M"
And four rows in the M racourciçant legs (like when I drank too much ) = a tit heart.

Admit that it's more fun that way anyway, right?
And even if the sleeve is knit in one piece, it must be stored son ends sticking out. And then sewing the end was a bit difficult. I had the impression of being in an episode of House MD where we must operate blindly otherwise the patient will mouriiiir it!
- "soon" must make the liver! "
- "but it was in a car accident, the bodies are all mixed up"
- "I see you say liver! Nooo, that's the heart!"
Through this project, cons, I have enriched my French vocabulary. Now I know what a barrel and sleeve.
And through this project, I could test my new machines tassels which I will talk this week ^ ^
Well, I'm happy with my draft and I love let my designs speak for themselves. Already, Joke and her husband, too cute on their wedding day, with the beautiful shawl and mittens sublime Joke.
I was honored to be invited to their wedding (although I could not stay long enough for my taste and I got yelled at by the honorable mayor for the ceremony). I wish them lots of solar eclipses and marital happiness and music ^ ^

And here's the second version, modeled by TricotMan and my colleague will be called "Magenta", my two fellow knitters.

Seen from behind, it looks just fine but viewed from the front ... this is how they s'adoooorent ... hmhmmm .... ^ ^
And voila! I made my Valentine ^ ^ /
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