La geekitude , ça va bien ensemble with kidding in general (thank you Remi Gaillard ), but it goes particularly well with all the knitting & crochet ^ ^
I am part of this generation

Among my friends, a small group of indomitable Gauls (and Vietnamese, Cambodian and Chinese) keep a warm spot in their heart for games consoles and a time long gone (sniff). They speak with love fire Atari, for example. And when they speak of " Nes," it is not Scottish but the monster of a console. Or they take a cardboard box and use it to disguise himself as Snake .
short, the greatest anthropologists lot of fun watching my friends ^ ^

One of them, we will call Pam (because that's his name), is also "THE "dude, the one who introduced me to my future husband. We have a close-knit relationship based on trust (he has already slept with my man in conditions ... hmm ...), love (I've already slept with his wife in terms of ... hmm ...) and the bullshit.
So when I saw the owner of this scarf, I could not resist. Ploum (Pam) would be entitled to his scarf jacquard PacMan!
And hop to work! I took my beloved waterfall, and I started my first

I loved knitting this scarf because we really feel "lay" of small drops and we see how we advance. I'm pretty happy with my jacquard, I have only one hole in the whole scarf. Not bad, right?
only regret is not having found the yellow "pacman" and they had to use a different wool, which is thinner than the chouille Cascade
Also, I preferred knitting flat rather than round because no circular needle had the right size to knit this pattern, I do not like double pointed needles to knit in the round and I do not yet control magic loop.
And finally my edits, I did not find the "orange" perfect for the official colors of ghost, I replaced the super boss "blue". And the pink could be rosier, but also good, eh, eh it's going, oh, hey!
good short, successful boss, nice scarf, Ploum conquered. In addition, it has been testing its new scarf immediately because he went with it around the neck to Amsterdam for the presentation of the new 3DS Boy! YEAH!
For Paming Chiu's opinion of the 3DS is by HERE!
Ploum warm in Amsterdam

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