Hello Hello! I hope you slept well last week?
Me I was not a good student I did not get the 7:30 that I set. I overloaded my evenings and I had difficulty keeping my schema. Grrr ...
Today, second Friday of the month of my sleep "sleep better best to smile," I wanted to tell you about the most disgusting thing swallowing it exists.
Me I was not a good student I did not get the 7:30 that I set. I overloaded my evenings and I had difficulty keeping my schema. Grrr ...
Today, second Friday of the month of my sleep "sleep better best to smile," I wanted to tell you about the most disgusting thing swallowing it exists.

In December, when I go see my doctor with the aim spécifiqueme to tell him about my sleep. After listening to my lamentations, she told me that I had a sleep-and that I had done nothing to change. Ultimately, if I really wanted to take something to help me sleep, it was enough to take magnesium.
I'm not a fan of supplements but once she explained the benefits of magnesium, I got into it. Bah and magnesium is a sick trick!
In the past, I had heard that when I had a muscle trembling (you know, the trembling eyelid without being stopped, the thing really annoying), it should take magnesium as it relaxes. So yes, magnesium is a muscle relaxant but I did not realize how much!
It has favorable effects on the digestive system (helps against constipation), bronchi (cons asthma attacks), the bloodstream (cons hypertension), uterus (womb Casual - pregnant woman filled! !), heart (miracle cure to prevention against heart attacks), stress (control hormones and calms the brain), muscle (nickel in preventing soreness) ...
Finally here what is ZE mineral that touches everything. Most v
itamins help us manage some worries but the magnesium acts on the body. Apparently, magnesium acts on 300 enzymes in the body and especially on those who produce, transport, store and use energy.
Well, the only snag is that magnesium is less and less in our food and there is often no matter how sold in pharmacies or health food stores. Found magnesium in grains, green vegetables, in some waters, but ... this is very depleted magnesium because of the quality of our soils and comes in too small quantities. Also, many of our foods, like sodas, destroy altogether the little magnesium in our food. For
that taking magnesium to be effective, it is better to hang 250 mg daily in combination with 500 mg of calcium. Good luck finding this assay in France anyway! I've been outright import a mix of the UK. But I do not regret it.
My nights are completely different when I take CalMag, I sleep more quietly more peacefully. I wake up less at night and morning I'm better rested.
So do not believe this post is sponsored by the Magnesium Company Incorporated, eh, quite the contrary. Take the magnesium is, I think, a way to avoid getting sick. So I'm better rested my body protects itself better.
Ah yes, finally, I must warn you anyway: the magnesium it tastes like shit! So I force myself to drink a glass of this stuff every night, really need it has proved to have a positive impact!
Finally here what is ZE mineral that touches everything. Most v

Well, the only snag is that magnesium is less and less in our food and there is often no matter how sold in pharmacies or health food stores. Found magnesium in grains, green vegetables, in some waters, but ... this is very depleted magnesium because of the quality of our soils and comes in too small quantities. Also, many of our foods, like sodas, destroy altogether the little magnesium in our food. For
that taking magnesium to be effective, it is better to hang 250 mg daily in combination with 500 mg of calcium. Good luck finding this assay in France anyway! I've been outright import a mix of the UK. But I do not regret it.
My nights are completely different when I take CalMag, I sleep more quietly more peacefully. I wake up less at night and morning I'm better rested.
So do not believe this post is sponsored by the Magnesium Company Incorporated, eh, quite the contrary. Take the magnesium is, I think, a way to avoid getting sick. So I'm better rested my body protects itself better.
Ah yes, finally, I must warn you anyway: the magnesium it tastes like shit! So I force myself to drink a glass of this stuff every night, really need it has proved to have a positive impact!
Go to you!
My sources of information (made by my doctor):
(my god I vénèèèère)
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