Monday, January 31, 2011

Go Kart Racing In Northern Nj

The mamour in a glove

Welcome minute poetry!

Someone once asked me what image I'll use to illustrate the concept of intimate couples. I had trouble finding an answer but now I've found in my little knitting sleeve love. ^ ^

Love is when two people simply hold hands, each in his glove. But where a couple becomes an entity becomes a new goal total is where the two become more than mittens.

Yes, I know, I know, I'm not good at flowery words but it's true that love knitting the sleeve, it made me think about my Mister Moog and I was knitting, smiling stupidly ^ ^ Like what
, knitting can be a nice metaphor for love.

short, two weeks ago, I got tested for a gift to Joke, who married. Yeah, what can we offer each other for a knitter who is getting married? A sleeve amouuur
^ ^ I chose a wool-color to illustrate their mixed couple and I added a nice tit crochet heart of Cascade 220 red.

I liked the idea so much that I wanted to do it again, except that this time I will buy the wool to make gloves for the three other small loving couple that I like; my cousin and his beautiful Italian ^ ^ I hope
seriously as they do not read my blog because I'd like to keep it a surprise but I really love this little project that I can not keep it to myself ... when you hold us Mooglouglou ^ ^

I stumbled on this double mitten in Drops . I performed magic loop and fortunately because otherwise I'd be shot. I hate double-pointed needles! Nah! That said!
Well, I knitted sleeve Joke, I preferred to do without jacquard confuse me because I was afraid of needles but my second attempt, I dropped and I did jacquard + magic loop. YEAH! And in the end I managed to do the same magic loop jacquard + + to change trains at Nation. I'm really too high ^ ^

Frankly, very quick to knit through the very thick wool spots, purchased from Knitting Promotion (yippeee), I think I'm pretty well drawn .

Even I made a mistake that has been embellished in the project! The small jacquard pattern on pattern is described as a form of "M", but in the wrong spot, I found myself with little hearts instead of "M" in question. It is not Choubidou, it ?

good look: five rows (as indicated on pattern) = "M"

And four rows in the M racourciçant legs (like when I drank too much ) = a tit heart.

Admit that it's more fun that way anyway, right?

And even if the sleeve is knit in one piece, it must be stored son ends sticking out. And then sewing the end was a bit difficult. I had the impression of being in an episode of House MD where we must operate blindly otherwise the patient will mouriiiir it!
- "soon" must make the liver! "
- "but it was in a car accident, the bodies are all mixed up"
- "I see you say liver! Nooo, that's the heart!"


Through this project, cons, I have enriched my French vocabulary. Now I know what a barrel and sleeve.
And through this project, I could test my new machines tassels which I will talk this week ^ ^

Well, I'm happy with my draft and I love let my designs speak for themselves. Already, Joke and her husband, too cute on their wedding day, with the beautiful shawl and mittens sublime Joke.
I was honored to be invited to their wedding (although I could not stay long enough for my taste and I got yelled at by the honorable mayor for the ceremony). I wish them lots of solar eclipses and marital happiness and music ^ ^

Too beautiful bride, is not it?

Well, next, my sleeve is a little commoner but ...

And here's the second version, modeled by TricotMan and my colleague will be called "Magenta", my two fellow knitters.

Seen from behind, it looks just fine but viewed from the front ... this is how they s'adoooorent ... hmhmmm .... ^ ^

And voila! I made my Valentine ^ ^ /

Friday, January 28, 2011

Yugioh Yaoi Doujinshi

To sleep better, therefore, should eat this stuff? Beuurk ...

Hello Hello! I hope you slept well last week?
Me I was not a good student I did not get the 7:30 that I set. I overloaded my evenings and I had difficulty keeping my schema. Grrr ...

Today, second Friday of the month of my sleep "sleep better best to smile," I wanted to tell you about the most disgusting thing swallowing it exists.

In December, when I go see my doctor with the aim spécifiqueme to tell him about my sleep. After listening to my lamentations, she told me that I had a sleep-and that I had done nothing to change. Ultimately, if I really wanted to take something to help me sleep, it was enough to take magnesium.

I'm not a fan of supplements but once she explained the benefits of magnesium, I got into it. Bah and magnesium is a sick trick!

In the past, I had heard that when I had a muscle trembling (you know, the trembling eyelid without being stopped, the thing really annoying), it should take magnesium as it relaxes. So yes, magnesium is a muscle relaxant but I did not realize how much!
It has favorable effects on the digestive system (helps against constipation), bronchi (cons asthma attacks), the bloodstream (cons hypertension), uterus (womb Casual - pregnant woman filled! !), heart (miracle cure to prevention against heart attacks), stress (control hormones and calms the brain), muscle (nickel in preventing soreness) ...

Finally here what is ZE mineral that touches everything. Most v itamins help us manage some worries but the magnesium acts on the body. Apparently, magnesium acts on 300 enzymes in the body and especially on those who produce, transport, store and use energy.

Well, the only snag is that magnesium is less and less in our food and there is often no matter how sold in pharmacies or health food stores. Found magnesium in grains, green vegetables, in some waters, but ... this is very depleted magnesium because of the quality of our soils and comes in too small quantities. Also, many of our foods, like sodas, destroy altogether the little magnesium in our food. For
that taking magnesium to be effective, it is better to hang 250 mg daily in combination with 500 mg of calcium. Good luck finding this assay in France anyway! I've been outright import a mix of the UK. But I do not regret it.
My nights are completely different when I take CalMag, I sleep more quietly more peacefully. I wake up less at night and morning I'm better rested.

So do not believe this post is sponsored by the Magnesium Company Incorporated, eh, quite the contrary. Take the magnesium is, I think, a way to avoid getting sick. So I'm better rested my body protects itself better.

Ah yes, finally, I must warn you anyway: the magnesium it tastes like shit! So I force myself to drink a glass of this stuff every night, really need it has proved to have a positive impact!

Go to you!
My sources of information (made by my doctor):
(my god I vénèèèère)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hot To Get Past Web Filtering

Douce France ... or not?

It is now 5 years I have lived in France.

I am French (and Flemish) at birth but I never lived in France until 2006. My relationship compared to France is quite special.
Also, I wanted today to share with you some thoughts and ideas that strike me as compared to the French.

note, I do not pretend to know the arrogance of the French, eh! I am not an anthropological study! No! I just want to express some concepts that I found myself, with my experience and my personal history and the Franco-Belgian scene in which I grew up.

If my explanations do not stick to the skin, do not be offended, it's just a small bunch of ideas like that balanced ...

The French are nice
Well yes, it looks like not this, like this, but the French are totally cool! Even when everyone around me says that the French are rude, they spend their time bitching, they are not nice or chauvinistic ... I find them nice. Even on Monday morning in the Paris Metro, there is always someone to pick me up when I take my feet in shoes and I lay against the post. Believe me, in Belgium, they are not like that. Rather die!
The French have a very pleasant sense of conviviality, squeegees evenings, picnics, housewarmings s ... I found that even the sweater is more friendly in France and Belgium.
Also, the French are more friendly and affordable than Flemish. The Flemish have a very hard character to approach and penetrate. Once the shell pierced a lasting friendship and faithful to the French born but are easier to approach. Flamingos love snipe and valves violent. It's a habit I had to learn to drop VERY quickly to my arrival in France! What I thought was self-deprecating when I lived in Flanders, I saw the remarks as harsh and violent since I live in France.
Review: I prefer the evenings with friends in France that evening in a pub in Belgium

The French are quaint, and know how to take
sisisisi Ah! Seriously, compared to Belgian / Flemish, French (es) are more stylish (te) s. They pay more attention to their appearance. French women use makeup more, for example. Attention, I'm not saying they are more layers and they look like trannies Brazilian, eh! I find the makeup of French often very very good!
The nail art also, for example, is something I had never or very rarely seen in Belgium.
For cons, the French are much more careful about their weight than the Belgians and it's a little scary! When I weighed 57 kg for 1m63, my Belgian friends were worried for me as my French friends I had were good looks. Too weird ... So that now, with my 70 kilo for the same 1m63, my Belgian friends think I'm in great shape while in France, I am slightly overweight anyway, huh! Ah ... Groumpf
and France the girls love to wear shoes that hurt feet and this is where I found the deodorant 72 hours!
Review: When I make up, I feel more French. When I do not make up, I feel like I let go and be myself

The French like the colors bland
Mister Moog do not like when I dress in "colors Flemish" ...
Hey, coconut, Flanders, it is often very gray! We will not overdo it by dressing in non-fading flower, right? And we do not dress in non-stabiloboss more eh, we just love the color. And me, with my character, I too love bah coloring my life. No but seriously
in France I discovered hallucinatory colors such as "dusty rose" or "purple" or "pearl". There are more shades of color in French and Flemish, for example. What we, in Flemish, call "Paars" in France I learned to call it purple, lilac, violet, purple, lavender, ... according to the hue of the color. The colors, in France, are dyed. The colors, in Flanders, are colors and it screams!
Review: I prefer the old fuchsia pink, red to gray, yellow ocher. I have a color chart Flemish and not French.

The French believe
Aside from a few of my friends, the Flemish are very down to earth while the French have their heads in heaven. The French know all the birth charts and a psychic, for example, while the Flemish have a history rooted in Catholicism. Everything is Catholic in Belgium: the mutual, the trade association (which I agree more that the French unions but do not start the controversy ^ ^), schools, political parties ... Even if the churches are emptying as in Belgium France, some Catholic values still persist Belgium and I see less in France.
Both have a design life very differently, despite their geographical proximity, it is quite disturbing!
Review: I agree with Belgian roots but I like the esoteric French Cartesian ... strange combination but very present in me

The French do not eat, they enjoy
is "eat for lunch in Flanders is "lunch" in France.
It "eats for dinner in Flanders, it" eats "in France.
In France, traditionally, you eat two hot meals a day and we add dessert, cheese, yoghurt, ...
In Flanders you eat a hot meal a day and eat bread with soup in the evening. One dish per meal. Point bar.
In France, it treats the presentation of food. Uh ... WTF?! Plus it looks cool, the more you want to eat ... Bizarre weird for me as a Flemish
^ ^ Oh, and according to Mister Moog, Flanders, everything is fried before cooking. It's not 100% true but almost: p
Review: I prefer the bread in Belgium and if I am a stomach on legs, while I will

The French have an opinion on everything
In Flanders when I speak, nobody has nothing to do with what I say and nobody answers me.
In France, when I speak, nobody has nothing to do with what I say and everyone takes the opportunity to express his opinion in relation to red socks, yellow, blue and against the policy blablablabla.
If it were to emerge in a constructive and interesting discussion but sometimes it's just "an opinion to have an opinion" without more, that's tiring.
Review: hmm ... both are relous: p

Here, a quick overview of things that make me tilter when I compare France to Flanders. There are others, but of course they are the ones that interest me the most.

Finally a small concept of "Flemish". When, in Flemish, it means that someone is living the good life, they say he "lives like a god in France" (een leven als god in Frankrijk)

Study Completion Mooglesque useless item . Tomorrow it goes back to sleep!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Program Remote On Cobalt

Moms and Ma (r) mesh goes international

Français text FOLLOWS

Hoooo lah lah, get out your English, girls, it was spotted by the anglophone community!

Yes, well, actually it's my fault ^ ^ "The International Association

where I did my training in breastfeeding counseling has a forum where I spotted one or two mothers who were not sure where to find knitting. I've talked to moms knitters and invited him there. So yes arre always gouingue NIIT in ze english ": p
Well, I tell myself that living in France, they speak a little, maybe?
And then my colleague Jay-Jay, English by birth, is a veteran of knitting moms and it no longer frightens anyone huh?

I remind you of appointments

Sunday, February 6 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Where

The stroller Coffee
6 rue Pierre SémardParis IX
Metro Poissonniere

The instructions
Taking inspiration from Tricot (Tea) Giant of Knit Spirit ;
Each brings his child, his equipment (needles, hooks , balls, patterns ,...) and pays its consumption. The stroller
cafe offers a formula to 8 euros with tea, coffee, a bottle of fresh juice and pastries available (the consumption of sodas or smoothies types are paid extra).

Other important info
Registration is required and limited. Sign
vous par mail


Welcome to the English-speaking readers

The Mommy Knitting Group tries to gather once a month in one or two child-friendly locations in Paris to chat and knit while our children play around. We've already met 4 times in 2010 and are keen on going on, welcoming an international crowd.

Here are the details for the next gathering:

Sunday 6 February from 16:00 – 17:30

Le poussette café
6 rue Pierre SémardParis IX
Métro Poissonnière

How it works
Being inspired by the Tricot(Thé) Géant of our "godmother" Knit Spirit ;
Everyone brings his or her own child and gear (hooks, needles, patterns, yarn,…) and pays for his or her own drinks.
The Poussette Café offers an 8 euro deal with tea, coffee, fruit juice and some nibbles (additional drinks or food have to be paid separately).

More information
Subscriptions are mandatory and limited.
Contact me at

Monday, January 24, 2011

Get Login For Bangbros

Ploum pacman's scarf

La geekitude , ça va bien ensemble with kidding in general (thank you Remi Gaillard ), but it goes particularly well with all the knitting & crochet ^ ^

I am part of this generation which saw the birth of the geeks This means I am part of the generation that experienced the mammoths of videogames, pacman, pong, Prince of Persia and other space invaders.

Among my friends, a small group of indomitable Gauls (and Vietnamese, Cambodian and Chinese) keep a warm spot in their heart for games consoles and a time long gone (sniff). They speak with love fire Atari, for example. And when they speak of " Nes," it is not Scottish but the monster of a console. Or they take a cardboard box and use it to disguise himself as Snake .
short, the greatest anthropologists lot of fun watching my friends ^ ^

One of them, we will call Pam (because that's his name), is also "THE "dude, the one who introduced me to my future husband. We have a close-knit relationship based on trust (he has already slept with my man in conditions ... hmm ...), love (I've already slept with his wife in terms of ... hmm ...) and the bullshit.
So when I saw the owner of this scarf, I could not resist. Ploum (Pam) would be entitled to his scarf jacquard PacMan!

And hop to work! I took my beloved waterfall, and I started my first Jacquard (much easier than large hill sick intellectuals). The ball too! My mother (Queen Jacquard) was almost proud of myself, though I would have preferred that the knitting jersey with a reindeer rather than a pie and chips. But hey, at least, it confirmed to me that I applied the proper technique (phew).

I loved knitting this scarf because we really feel "lay" of small drops and we see how we advance. I'm pretty happy with my jacquard, I have only one hole in the whole scarf. Not bad, right?
only regret is not having found the yellow "pacman" and they had to use a different wool, which is thinner than the chouille Cascade but hey, okay.

Also, I preferred knitting flat rather than round because no circular needle had the right size to knit this pattern, I do not like double pointed needles to knit in the round and I do not yet control magic loop.

And finally my edits, I did not find the "orange" perfect for the official colors of ghost, I replaced the super boss "blue". And the pink could be rosier, but also good, eh, eh it's going, oh, hey!

good short, successful boss, nice scarf, Ploum conquered. In addition, it has been testing its new scarf immediately because he went with it around the neck to Amsterdam for the presentation of the new 3DS Boy! YEAH!

For Paming Chiu's opinion of the 3DS is by HERE!
Ploum warm in Amsterdam

Friday, January 21, 2011

Maxidex In Cataract Surgery

routine sleep

Yesterday I challenged January / February : Better sleep for longer smile ".

I had a dozen people who responded to the questionnaire I had prepared breakfast and attention returned often is that of "off" button of the brain. Bah yeah ... there are not actually ...

And that sucks because, honestly, it's not easy to move from a head full of work, babies crying, screaming boss, spouse Chouine, metro stops, selling Minx, heel breaks ... a head full of Tommies.

And yet Ben, I managed to find the "off" button! And it does not look like this:

But rather this:

Heck yeah, do not expect something simple in our brain hey ^ ^ I was read the fabulous site of the fabulous Doctor Sleep, Mister Michael Breus and here's what I learned:

1. our body has a biological clock
Ca, I knew. If one is guided by our biological clock, you can enjoy a better quality of life

2. we sleep in cycles
Yes, that too, I knew. But apparently we can develop some control over these cycles by programming them as we want (too loud!)

3. sleep is like hunger
Huh? What? But if, wait ...
Sometimes I'm so hungry I think my stomach will start to develop teeth to eat himself when suddenly, hunger, poof! She leaves. Hunger comes and it goes into cyclical motion. Well sleep well. There is a great time to fall asleep, and might be granted.

4. there is no "off" button
Yes, weep hot tears but supermaître Breus says there is no "off" button. And if his words is that it's TRUE! True, you can not lie down and fall asleep immediately, except when one is in serious lack of sleep, eh? Just as our body needs to prepare for physical exercise, our body needs to prepare for sleep.

Once we align these 4 points, we may revise our business in the late afternoon.
Once children are in bed, we have a couple of hours.

Hmmmmmm ..... What can we do well in two hours?


anyway ...
It does not envy to sleep it all eh?

short, to review its prioirités! And that's what I did.

My priority number one in the evening became: be ready to begin my sleep you need 7.30.

Small calculation:
- I wake up every morning at 05:45
- I must be asleep at 22:15
- I give myself 30 minutes to fall asleep, my light should turn off at 21: 45 Time to
which I finished off my brain. And

21: 45, 21: 45 lights total extinction!
is THE event of the day that I do not want to miss! Even if I
'm late to all my other appointments, I want to be on time for it. If I consider my sleep like a professional appointment, by placing priority number one, that helps already. Too bad for the cassoulet I wanted to do, tomorrow it will be carrots and ham, that's fine too. So much for the knitting of the sock over my future will still be long. So much for the hug from Dad, tomorrow, at least I'd be in shape to give my whole body!

My appointment of 21: 45, if I want to respect it, I "must" prepare, too.
Here's how I make my temperature rise of sleep following the advice of His Highness Dr. Breus: Calculate an hour before your time off and divide into three parts as follows (I have divided into 45 minutes because 21: 45 c early anyway):

21: 00 I finished what I was doing (I untangle the skein, I put the pans in the dishwasher, I drive a shovel to my husband, I finished watching the dinner almost perfect)
21 : 15 I rush into the bathroom to make me happy (shower with vanilla cream, iris, I remove that disgusting hair on my nose, I find myself bâèèèllle ...)
21: 30 I slide in my sheets and I begin my last relaxing activity of the day (I write, I read, I start chatting with pet ...)
21: 45 Lights I SAID ! Nah

I therefore propose a new scheme in three evening parties.
So this is not the magic cure, eh. It does not make you sleep illico the first day but I can tell you that when I started applying myself to this ritual so almost daily, I noticed that after a certain time (days) My body was beginning to relax to 21: 00 - 21: 30 and that sleep came easily to me. I do not therefore propose an aspirin, but an antibiotic that might help you create long term, an expansion phase more efficient.

And even my mommy says: a good night's sleep starts with going to bed on time (mommy, if you listen, you can start your victory dance ^ ^)

For young parents Indeed, this ritual will not help against the brat who wakes up at 3:00 am then 4:05 then 5:37 and so on but I'm sure it can help improve the quality of your sleep early at night. And
for lunch-not-parent: all of this implies a descotchage facebook and other screens that make our bodies think we are still in the daytime when it is already too late to Pomeranians!

Okay so I do not shout above relative to this ritual too strict, requiring too much rigor and discipline. I do not draw a military program, then I suggest just another way to approach your late night. I tested this from the beginning of the year and I agree completely. I am far to apply it to the letter every day, but it's awfully nice to know that tonight I will be able, gradually leave the day behind me and go any step towards a sleep that will do me good ... ... ...


Test for a week or two months and tell if it works for you. Remember, this implies a revision of your priorities in the evening! No more phone call to tata Germaine that puts you in a bad mood and finished the dishes after X hours!


Finally, a small sample of responses to form yesterday:

Cybie sleeping seven hours on average to give a sleep 3 * Two
awakenings "Like that for nothing" by night ... hard ... Good

Zigomar we care about all the shame, 9 hours on average, Zigomar would just be reincarnated as a cat ... it is disgusting ...

Sylvie survives 6 hours average, 3 *
It seeks the secret of his elves sleep.

Thumbelina take 7 hours to 3 * for a sleep full of pitfalls: the male snoring, night terrors mini sleeping on the ground (well.. WHAT!) ... But at least she knows that sleep well, it's too dla ball and only aspire to it ^ ^

Valorie hardly sleeps and not well at all. Valorie
needs the off button that does not exist because the hassles of daily follow up under the pillow! You tell me, if you manage to join the ticket?

Myev harvest anyway 7 hours of sleep
4 * 2 to 3 hours to fall asleep and a peak of activity at 21 hours ... not easy ... ... greuh
is to get up at what time ?

Orgebin is full of good intentions to raise its 6-7 hours of sleep at 3 *
Kill the cat is one, kill the bear Sleep in her husband snoring beside her, kill the opera singer who spoils her cat who wants to eat at 6:30 ... it promises!

Tournelune also falls within the average of 7 hours to 3 *
She would take the Euphytose and learn to relax. Should be well able to find it, right?

Nanou has secrets to share, I'm sure!
8.5 hours of sleep 4 *
I want!

Melusine Intrepid $ 7 * 2 hours of sleep but I do not know where she is because she is young young mother ... Besides, she offers her baby to the auction, we begin to a price of 3 balls of wool!

The Stroller in Paris succeeded in finding her 7 am to 3 * but would like all-in-even improve the quality of his sleep. And it would abolish the requirement to get up early in the morning but there ... we are not prepared to do ^ ^ "

Monette not sleeping enough and not enough stars. Nah. At the same time, Monette is a nurse at night so the problem is different. But who knows, this advice will find anywhere!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Custom Gpa Helmet Stripe

Sleep more to knit more

early January, I had established some good resolutions for 2011.

All these good resolutions made me want to throw me a challenge each month. From now until the end of 2011, Friday will be dedicated to my good resolutions, hoping to share with you. Each month has its good resolution. January is already started, I connected this month to February, which is also a slow month.

The first resolution I want to address is that of
" sleep better for longer smile "
(indeed, I missed a great career in marketing: p). Tomorrow is Friday, so tomorrow I start my first topic about sleep.

For cons, I did not want to sleep alone, I'd sleep with you! That's why I've prepared a short evaluation form of your sleep. If you want to spend the month of January & February to improve your sleep, join me and fill out the form.

Please note this is not a contest dodo eh! There is no "ultimate goal" or a prize to win! This is purely introspective sleep, nothing really bad. Each person will set another goal, other targets and each will have its constraints and challenges.

So who is? Who wants to sleep with me? We have until late February to become professional sleepers: p
Come on, tell me all about your wild nights with Morpheus ^ ^

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Film De Salieri Online Gratis

New TV series

Last Thursday, I watched with my daughter, a television series very well ... "Interesting". It spends the morning when children are still in the corner ...


It's about 5-6 girls, though stereotypical, are living together in the middle of nowhere.

There's the chick who has a bar where everyone ends up on the weekends.

The Bookseller (the nerd), always dressed in purple.

one who likes to sew (robes only).

dancer (because there is always one in a village ),...

And you'll say "there is no guy in this rotten corn?
if Ben! ONE! An old geezer in addition (beeeurk).
One guy for all these girls ... (who said "perverse"?)

short, I was a little shocked anyway, to see these six anorexics (who said "jugs"?) And daily life told in a time when children go to school.
Especially since this series is a classic and that the heroin in question, forty years ago, was Boudinet and lived most exciting adventures that "but what I will be able to dress for the parade of princesses?". Here

his photo before the studios do revamps.

Here is his photo now.

Yes, I know, it's "far fetched" and I would once again the only troubled but anyway. As Charlotte was in the hands of gangs, it was OK, but since the takeover by Americans (Hasbro), it is awfully similar to the best friend of Paris Hilton, right?
Know that all the heroines for children to do with a change of image and they all come out with a few pounds lighter, the handbag and more new topics every day that I even dare not speak.

More info about the syndrome of "Dora the slut", which enrages the parents and HERE THE .

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Autistic Driver Licensing

Quiche-girl ... it was long!

Aaaah, it was while it was not passed through my home-girl Quiche!

But fortunately, she did not leave me. Nononononon, quiche-girl loves me! Quiche-girl adores me! Here are his two latest attacks.
As usual, it's long and it sucks but it's no big deal, I write for myself alone damn shame ^ ^

First attack: haircut

I Minimoog led to his first haircut "that hairdresser." Yes it's cute haircuts homemade but it's also awfully ugly!
And on that day, I decided to be nice because Minimoog do not like change so it is nice for his first visit to the hairdresser. This means that it is entitled to a dress. And there ... is the drama ...
With the dress needs to be tights.
tights is evil.
... big Crisis tears ...
Only solution: Mom puts tights
YEAH! It works!
Well so be it, Mom will dress. Pshaw
thin is a day of laundry, it remains only short dress. Pshaw
thin with this fuchsia dress are the shoes that go fuchsia. Well, too bad. Bon bah
as well do my makeup too much, at least for once, I'd be the nice mom!
But yes, honey, mommy will put you in the sling, we leave the stroller at home.

Leaving the subway, an hour later, so I found a snowstorm in Paris, still in miniskirt and high heels with a boy of three years in the back to slide on the mud ... I really hated. And doctors
minutes later I felt even more dumb when I entered the salon for children. You knew her, the perfect mom, huh? That you hate because she is wearing, well dressed and made up and she wears nice shoes? One that, one is safe, is a mom zero because a good mother can not necessarily be a good mother too! Bah this mom "perfect" for once, it was me. Returning
haircut, I made it tru-der the eye with all these mothers, who were dressed in jeans, sneakers without makeup, wearing ill with huge dark circles under my eyes ...
While the dads had a smile when I leaned to play with my daughter in the playground, mothers threw me murderous glances at me burn at the stake ...

was funny (not) nice.
In the future, I do not ever judge the mom too well-dressed perfect. I'll just say it had nothing else to wear her evening dress and it's not his fault that his kid was going to be screaming for a crisis of not having to put her tights.

Second attack: the square

Last week we were treated to full combo: + bronchitis in gastrointestinal Minimoog
It came out of everywhere except the ears.
After a few viewings of Strawberry Shortcake (7 times), the Wizard of Oz (6 times) and Lilo & Stitch (2 times), I am told that the square needed output.

Midweek, we're alone. Only with a second mom English, and his son was 18 months. We do not know but it is smiles and "haha he's cute" and all that, the usual protocol at the Square.
When suddenly, the youngster of 18 months starts to run very quickly to his mom while his mom is "ooonnee twoooo THREEEE" and it jumps, legs open, over his child. Too cool mom! Minimoog wants the same!
"Mom, Mom, me too!"
"Wait darling, we'll look at how well she is the lady, okay?" And
rebelotte the miochounet he runs and the mom did a pretty jump elegant legs taut hoplaaa leapfrog over his son.
Yeah I can do.

"Go Minimoog! Course! Uuuuuun! Deeeeux! Trooaaaaaa ..." And
of fluid motion and no light at all, makes the Minimoog itself nose in my lower abdomen, sliding feet and then falls down, buttocks first.

Oops ...

It does not remove, it ricanne, wipe the tears of the girl and we start talking with the lady. Ridicule does not kill.
"Hahaha, it requires a certain know-how and longer legs than mine"
"Hahaha, yes you have to believe huh"
"Hahaha, yes everyone does not have legs as long as your eh My legs are small tubes "
"Yes, so you live around here? You work where?
"I live opposite, yes, I can come to the square with my son because my schedule a bit restrictive, I work at ***"
"Oh, by the Lidl Yes it's hard not schedule? "
"No, not Lidl, the LIDO!"
"Ah ... uh ... yeah, it explains the long legs eh ... hahaha"
"Well if I may, I am sufficiently ridiculed in front of you and your son, I'll go hide in the Marne eh! Say goodbye!"

I'm not sortable ...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Read Letters To Penthouse Online For Free

Rose PINK + pink =

Following the veal brothel I found with some of Pincushions pink too. A ball of pink and fuchsia two Pincushions WELL flash used following my desire. What

bowl, then a very good friend asks me for a hat / scarf in fuchsia and what bowl, while a baby girl born in our knowledge!
So at work, we seek a quick project that can fit into a skein for the baby and two balls for the cops. And

HOP! A small

bolero for the baby who is actually the sister of a classmate Minimoog and the parents have also called Minimoog. Finally, no, not REALLY Minimoog, no, they chose the same "Real" name (for the balls that I believed myself to call my daughter shot Minimoog ... uh ... how do you say ...)
A small friendly owner of the comprehensive site Lion Brand . This bolero needed just one skein of Cascade 220. Bad luck, I had my skein entammer stew in hell so I made the seams using a wire Rowan rose almost-sweet and I added a red edging Cascade. Moog
happy baby heated, parents met ^ ^

And re-HOP! My first

Ysolda Teague. Scottish designer (win!) with nimble fingers who is very nice projects with impressive results.
By cons, she knits so well that she forgets how to write. Well yes, mother Teague knit with hands and wrote with his feet. The boss was incomprehensible beyond the tenth line. I had to improvise thoroughly by comparing the photos on Ravelry scarves already made, the loose anything.
Ultimately I am rather out fine and hat / scarf instead of the mouth. Yes, well, I like to the beggar on line 8 but not very serious, I was very happy cops ^ ^

Anyway, I'm the Cascade still a fan. It is worked well and, once washed, it's very sweet. And for these projects I had the pleasure of knitting added watching Miss Marple for the Christmas holidays with my parents in Belgium snowy, curled up in front of the fireplace fires.

Sigh ... It almost makes me love winter ^ ^