proposed by Claudia Kitchen Raspberry
For unforgettable pages of poetry on markets, channel, bread with butter, chocolate - First Communion, the filibos the sikdôj, caramels and company
Patrick Chamoiseau gives here his childhood memories. First in the infancy Antan d'enfance published in 1990 and its first year of school in Paths School (1996). With
negro, fifth and youngest of Man Ninotte, we discover a Creole society multiple and complex.
Preview: Season the goldfish was a season high. Stews and broth scented pots. Ninotte man had to stand down because the street-in alarm he begged a share. Amplified its services it obtained from Syrians. She was more cheerful, less available but more valiant, and changed the repertoire of songs from detergents. The fishermen often visited. They had a lot of money, so they needed all unnecessary things .... In the white fish, blaff time, deep-fried, emergencies were different. It was quieter, not anxious because white is abundant. It was moving toward the vegetable market where the fish, when he was fresh, was a treasure for commercial muddy gullies. These last traded him king mackerel ordinary cons roots and fruits of untold sin. To those of red and white, add the turtle season, and flying, and dozens of other more subtle clock our existence. "
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