proposed by Bene Love, water cool ... and greed!
we discover the recipe Snuppes .......
word from the editor: is a Princess. True. Lost in the heart of Paris, incognito, without money, in search of man she loves. He is a diplomat. He thinks like a student. He ignores her Cinderella wears a crown. Their love is it possible? If you like humor, fantasy, imagination, twists, misunderstandings ... If you like this thing so called French American comedy, then you already love The Demoiselles d'Avignon.
Preview: Everyone laughs, except Kilpérik that was dark.
- What's going on? asked his grandfather.
- There's more snuppes said the little sorrowfully.
- Well, you know the proverb. 'When there is more of snuppes, eat sprat! " "
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