proposed by Marie of family land
It includes a recipe s AUCE spaghetti chops Pork
the early 90s, Michel Tremblay, Quebec playwright decides to write about moments that have marked its cultural life. After "Moving Pictures, released" Twelve strokes Theatre "(1997), a pretext to discuss his early years in 12 chapters-stories on 12 plays. De Babar the Little Elephant, until his victory in the contest of young authors from Radio-Canada, Michel Tremblay tells us how the theater and opera have changed his life.
"She smelled of camphor. I saw the little pin holding the golden square of camphor, which had not left his jacket since last November.
- You smell winter.
- You've ben right, Yeah, I'd remove it ...
She began to unfasten the pin but his hands were deformed a little in recent months, I had to help with my little fingers clumsy.
- Want to go to the show tomorrow, eh?
- Daniel Paradis ... Some go with her aunt, I want to go moé too!
- I'm gonna talk to your mother ...
- Why do not you think qu'a'veut I go?
- It's not that qu'a'veut t'ailles ... just that it's not his idea to her ... probably worse qu'a'l'a fear of being worried. You see, not a'sera with TOE to watch you ...
- The Madam looks fine a'parle as in the radio! ...
- But we know it.
A footstep in the corridor, the head of my mother in the half-open door.
"Michael, let alone your grandmother, it's time for bed."
Feeling protected by the presence of my grandmother, I took my courage in both hands.
"It's true that you're scared of the lady because we know not?"
Mom looked at his mother-in with a gleam of reproach, as if it had betrayed her.
- What you put Y'avait dans'tête, again!
- I never see why there would be no-c't'enfant the right to go see a show ...
- Even with a stranger ... I could not know, I sell it ...!
She took me by the hand of a somewhat abrupt, which does not look like him at all, while her stepmother burst out laughing.
- Child insignificant! Stop going so always bavasser to your grandmother like that ... A 'still laughs at me, then ... "
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