Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Who Is Tiffany Granath Married Too.

Day Off 2

rest. it was fortunate for those of us who came out last night ... Matthew (who co-directs Gaia Discos here) took us, M-Jo, Eddy and me in a pub crawl in good standing of Rua Augusta (the street that goes right here in downtown), the more trendy than suspicious. We made some progress in Portuguese. Thanks with cachaça (I recommend the Salina). So today's the day went very fast ... Tomorrow we return to the studio for one last day before the departure of Stephen. It was folded seven pieces, we hope to do two tomorrow. The sound engineer, Paulo, who produced among others Tom Zé is perfect, discreet and very efficient. Catch its deadly.
It was still around a little to 17h today, and we can not adjust the size of São Paulo. We are always lost, even the taxi does not always know the road, and it seems that people, rather than admit he does not know the address you want, you say something anyway, which complicates things. This does not prevent most Paulistas are happy to assist you in the right mood.
It is still housed in the family of Irene, Jean-Phi, M-Jo, Eddy on one side, Stéphane and me to his uncle, Zé, and Marcelo, always happy to drink a Cotes du Rhone with us and talk about painting, Brazilian music, or the situation of the country.
Getting ready to go see Zombie Zombie just now playing in ...
Rua Augusta.
Good ...


Today, rest. Thankfully for some of us went out last night ... The Matthieu (who co-directed the Gaia Discs) led us, M-Jo, Eddy and I, in a ballad by Augusta Street (street legal center), the hottest place to more weird. Our Portuguese certainly improved a lot. Our thanks go to the rum (I recommend Salina). Consequently, the day passed very fast ... Tomorrow we return to the studio, the last day before the departure of Stéphane. We just seven songs, we hope to do two more tomorrow. The Paul, which makes the sound, produced the Tom Zé, among others, and it's great, discreet and effective. Outlets are bacanérrimas. Finally strolled
a little bit today, from 17h, and we really could not fit the dimensions of. We are always lost, even the taxi drivers do not always know which way to go, and it seems that people prefer to give a wrong direction instead of talking do not know the address you are looking for, which makes things a lot. But instead, the vast majority of São Paulo to try to help the greater good will and good humor.
We're still staying in the family of Irene, Jean-Phi, M-Jo, Eddy on one side, Stéphane and me in the house of his uncle, Joe, and Marcelo, always willing to take a glass of Côtes du Rhône with us and talking about painting, music brasileira, or do país sobre a Situação. Estamos preparando para
our assistir o show do Zombie-Zombie toca daqui a um momento na Rua Augusta ...
Bom ...


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