it's been a week. One has the impression that it's been a month. From the songwriting, the arrangements in the morning, work at Oficina de 13h to 21h, sorting records and plays, setting up the blog, select photos, meals and discussions with Revista Do Samba, hours have evaporated. This first sequence of work Oficina (we moved from Vitor Monday at 30 km MS) is very dense and crucial. We seek a way of communicating, a way of working together and, more importantly, to understand our approaches respective music, to find where Aunt Hortense and Revista Do Samba can merge. It is always referred to ourselves, to our way of seeing things, to communicate, to consider the music. This aspect of the work is exciting because it is both to understand who we are, what culture you come from, while welcoming another, another music history. To trust and let happen what happens. So far we have five songs in the works, more or less advanced, and you begin to find a sound, not to mention the enormous pleasure of playing together, to show things, and talk about samba. We start
also understand a little better where we are in this city, connecting neighborhoods to each other. The gibberish debut was a little calmer and we focus on the Portuguese. With Eddy begins to valves in Portuguese, and at times we seem to Marseilles, toast it. The highway that runs through São Paulo, a sort of gigantic device is ubiquitous, the stream of cars is continuous, night and day. Pollution visible to the naked eye. It's so urban you see. In the street, garbage cans tend to accumulate, the mayor of MS has removed thousands of posts in the road departments while salaries of officials of the council have tripled ...
Dernière journée aujourd'hui the Workshop. Demain c'est off.
Ah, c'est l'heure du café ...
's been a week. We have the impression that a month ago. Between writing the songs, the arrangements in the morning, work in the workshop from 13h to 21h, sorting and recording of the hearings, writing the blog, the selection of photos, meals and conversations with the magazines, the hours are evaporated . This first sequence of work in the workshop (Monday we go to Victor's, some 30 km São Paulo) is very dense and crucial. We seek a form of communication, a way of working together and, more importantly, to understand our respective approaches to music to find the point at which Tante Hortense and Revista do Samba can mingle. In these circumstances, you are necessarily placed in front of yourself, your way of seeing things, to communicate them, thinking the music. This aspect of the work is exciting because it has to fully understand who we are, what culture we come from, while welcoming another culture, another history of music. Have confidence and let things happen. Until now we have five songs on the way, more or cruder, and begin to find a sound, not to mention the immense pleasure of playing together, to show up and talk about things samba.
also come to understand better where we are in this city, connecting the neighborhoods between them. The language of the first messy moments is getting a little better and focus on the Portuguese. With Eddy already started making jokes in Portuguese and, at times, we almost feel in Marseille, tranqüiiiiilo. The highway which crosses Sao Paulo, a kind of peripheral giant, omnipresent, the flow of cars is uninterrupted, night and day. Pollution is palpable. It's so urban, you know? On the streets, garbage piles up - the Mayor of Sao Paulo budget cut in services while sweeping tripled the salaries of top city officials ...
Last day in the workshop today. Tomorrow is off.
Oh, it was time for coffee ...
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