Marseille - Paris. Paris - Lisbonne. Lisboa - Sao Paulo. Taxi. Traversée de la ville, St. Paul est immense, grise, impassible. Tour to tour or détrempée alourdie par la chaleur. Première impression, c'est un seul grand quartier of 10 000 km2.
First weekend to absorb the jetlag, move into an apartment in Paraiso, and started writing songs almost immediately. We're here for five weeks to create a directory and record an album with the group Common Revista Do Samba.

It begins five weeks by ten-day residency at Teatro Oficina , place Zé Celso, director and legendary memory of the country. The building is located in a neighborhood, although roots, crossed by a highway. Inside, no scene, the audience is arranged vertically, Novo Teatro way. The goalkeeper has a machete to 60 cm long on hand. After the first four days to find a rhythm together, rub in the city, culture, scenery, drama Zé involved in this change of reference, an extension, pushing up a few notches further our energy. The music here is constantly flowing in, and inspires us already; writing at 8am, notebook and guitar ostinato hammered all morning, more traditional rehearsal in the afternoon, discussions, unbridled evening. Songs tucked in one go, heady drafts instantly labeled la ville.
Première sortie hier soir au arrosée Of The Borogodo, samba, danse, et caipirinha ... Demain, première journée de travail avec les Magazine ...

Marseille - Paris. Paris - Lisbon. Lisbon - Sao Paulo. Taxi. Across the city, Sao Paulo is huge, gray, impassive. Alternately diluted or overwhelmed by heat. First impression: it is a great neighborhood only 10,000 km2.
first weekend, we take the time zone, we settled in the apartment in Paradise and then almost started writing songs. We'll be here for five weeks, to list and record an album together with the band Revista do Samba.
began five weeks with these ten days of residence at the Theatre Workshop Ze Celso, mythic theater director and memory of the country. The building is situated in a popular, crossed by an avenue, near a motorway. Inside, no stage, the audience sits upright, the way the New Theatre. The custodian has a machete around 60 cm. After four days trying to find a common rhythm, rubbing in the city, culture, the lack of reference points, the theater's Ze participates in this process of change of references, the prolonged, gradually increasing our energy. Here, the music flows and it always inspires us, writing now 8am in the morning, notebook and guitar, Ostinato hammered all morning, more traditional tests in the afternoon, endless conversations in the evening. Songs completed in moments, sketches that do not leave the mind in a moment marked by the city.
First exit with caipirinha last night at the O Borogodó, samba, dance ... Tomorrow will be the first day of work with the magazines ...
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