Monday, September 28, 2009

Sew Leather Couch Ripped

Vacances Itamambuca

Good. We spend five days in a designer house of your dreams, while galvanized steel sliding doors in exotic wood. It has Itamambuca, close to Urutuba on the road Puruba. This is a subdivision of posadas in the sea, three hours drive from Sao Paulo. The beach paradise, is ... fifty yards from the living room ...

It is there with Maria, our new cook, who made us a delicious feijoada today. In short, we only had to worry about the time that we will at the beach, and if we play ping-pong at once or not.

should prepare a little concert Friday at the Berlin club. We must also make a schedule for the last week in the studio. Everything's already too fast.



Bom. Cinco dias Ficamos numa casa de arquiteto that Output appears in a dream, made of galvanized metal and exotic wood sliding walls. The beach, worthy of paradise, is fifty meters ... ...
We are here with Mary, our new cook, who made today a delicious feijoada. That is our only concerns are that the hours that go to the beach and also to prepare a little show of the sixth club in Berlin. Last thing, we must provide for the organization of last week's studio.

Maternity Leave And Tdi

the Symposium

Tenter une description du Banquet Platon monté par Ze Celso reviendrait explain the tenter d'un pygmee to Star Wars. Je ne pas m'y essaierai. Théâtre et grandiose total.


Describe Feast of Platon mounted by Zé Celso would like to explain Star Wars to a pygmy. I will not even try. Theatre and grand total.

How Long Before A Frozen Wart Falls Off

The Band

Income Tax I Live In Quebec But Work In Ontario

En studio avec Paulo Lepetit


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sony Dvp-sr200p Can't Unlock

Sao Paulo, tricot Sans peau

So it's been three weeks. it looks like three months. Is it that if you multiply this kind of project you end up living two or three times longer?
Stéphane restarts this afternoon to Paris to promote the dearest. Vitor went to Germany. So, we have a week off (we will prepare Following the studio anyway, but it will). One starts at the seaside on Sunday in a house, then a detour to Rio.
was large databases of nine pieces. French, Portuguese, duets, very danceable music, others calm. There is still much work he must do the voices, choirs, re-re of cavacos and guitars. There are six songs we had planned, we would like to make at least two, including one with Ze vocals. And only six days of the studio. We'll see what it's going to give, which is successful in any case is to have generated as much music in so little time. everyone contributed to the compositions, arrangements, despite the difficulties of language, our cultures, and time. The emergency works on two levels, it is stimulating and brings out unexpected things, and at the same time it causes frustration with the impression that lack of time to explore all avenues. Printing?
Yesterday evening we found "our" place, Berlin, an alternative club located in a wasteland. A few roots, tagged walls, wildlife alter or trendy, good bands. Good atmosphere. It is played on October 2, just us, Aunt Hortense.
I do not know if we will have access to the Internet this week. See you later.


Three weeks. Appear three months. Does multiplying such projects are just living two or three times longer? Stéphane
leave today for Paris, will make the promotion of plus cher. Victor left for Germany. That is we have a week off (let's prepare the second studio session, but nothing else). Sunday going to the beach, a house, and then we'll just pass by Rio
We have the foundations of nine songs. French, Portuguese, duos, some very danceable, and other calm. We still have much work we have to do the voices, backing vocals, the re-re of ukulele and guitar. It has six songs more planned, we would make at least two, including one with Joe singing. And so we have six days in the studio. We'll see what happens, but what worked was to create at least as much music in so little time. Everyone contributed in the compositions, arrangements, in spite of difficulties with the language, culture, lack of time. The urgent works on two levels: it stimulates and stirs things unforeseen, and at the same time causes frustration with the impression that not enough time to explore all the clues. Printing?
Yesterday we found 'our' place, Berlin, an alternative club located in a half abandoned. And roots, walls with graffiti, fauna or alter na moda, música boa. Boa onda. Tocamos there no Outubro 2, our social, bone Aunt Hortense. Não sei

is teremos acesso internet essa semana. Até but.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Who Is Tiffany Granath Married Too.

Day Off 2

rest. it was fortunate for those of us who came out last night ... Matthew (who co-directs Gaia Discos here) took us, M-Jo, Eddy and me in a pub crawl in good standing of Rua Augusta (the street that goes right here in downtown), the more trendy than suspicious. We made some progress in Portuguese. Thanks with cachaça (I recommend the Salina). So today's the day went very fast ... Tomorrow we return to the studio for one last day before the departure of Stephen. It was folded seven pieces, we hope to do two tomorrow. The sound engineer, Paulo, who produced among others Tom Zé is perfect, discreet and very efficient. Catch its deadly.
It was still around a little to 17h today, and we can not adjust the size of São Paulo. We are always lost, even the taxi does not always know the road, and it seems that people, rather than admit he does not know the address you want, you say something anyway, which complicates things. This does not prevent most Paulistas are happy to assist you in the right mood.
It is still housed in the family of Irene, Jean-Phi, M-Jo, Eddy on one side, Stéphane and me to his uncle, Zé, and Marcelo, always happy to drink a Cotes du Rhone with us and talk about painting, Brazilian music, or the situation of the country.
Getting ready to go see Zombie Zombie just now playing in ...
Rua Augusta.
Good ...


Today, rest. Thankfully for some of us went out last night ... The Matthieu (who co-directed the Gaia Discs) led us, M-Jo, Eddy and I, in a ballad by Augusta Street (street legal center), the hottest place to more weird. Our Portuguese certainly improved a lot. Our thanks go to the rum (I recommend Salina). Consequently, the day passed very fast ... Tomorrow we return to the studio, the last day before the departure of Stéphane. We just seven songs, we hope to do two more tomorrow. The Paul, which makes the sound, produced the Tom Zé, among others, and it's great, discreet and effective. Outlets are bacanérrimas. Finally strolled
a little bit today, from 17h, and we really could not fit the dimensions of. We are always lost, even the taxi drivers do not always know which way to go, and it seems that people prefer to give a wrong direction instead of talking do not know the address you are looking for, which makes things a lot. But instead, the vast majority of São Paulo to try to help the greater good will and good humor.
We're still staying in the family of Irene, Jean-Phi, M-Jo, Eddy on one side, Stéphane and me in the house of his uncle, Joe, and Marcelo, always willing to take a glass of Côtes du Rhône with us and talking about painting, music brasileira, or do país sobre a Situação. Estamos preparando para
our assistir o show do Zombie-Zombie toca daqui a um momento na Rua Augusta ...
Bom ...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Difference Between Extract And Concentrate

Concert to Tiradentes

Saturday was our first scene together. Pressure rises. A small festival held to celebrate the construction of a future cultural center in Cidade Tiradentes, a district of São Paulo consist of flats and slums. It was folded in Embu stuff to go directly there in a van filled to the brim, about two hours away. It was driven into the neighborhood for a quarter of an hour, crossing over more and more poor, to the place of the concert.

We do not were leading off while being excited. Unloading the truck, we were gently assailed by all the neighborhood kids, curious to see the French. It was incessant but in a good mood. Children eight years we were asking for cigarettes, others asked to Eddy or where we came from Stephane. It was crazy to move in such a place, in such an atmosphere. It was believed paranoid but when we saw Vitor keep his shoulder bag to play, we felt we had reason to be very careful. The sound on stage was terrible, no one heard, it was played at sight, but it was Kiff. One of the best moments was when we played Uma Piroca no Pulso (need I translate?) Before the public far more intrigued, began to hallucinate like us.

Since Sunday it is installed in a studio big enough, very nice in the suburbs, to catch live. It currently has six pieces in a box (without the voice and fine detail ...). It ends here Thursday. After a short holiday week - it'll be three weeks non-stop that pulls on the rope - while Stephen returned to Paris to Le Pont des Artistes. Then back to another studio - even in the same - early October. A concert Aunt Hortense is seated in Berlin Box trendy Barra Funda October 2, play in the Oficina 7.
We are tired, we jabbers in three languages, we have more sense of time (that's two months that there is not), we laugh as Zouaves moindre au jeu de mot approximatif, et en même temps les deux groupes sont plus proche, on est plus efficace, on the conscience du plaisir et de la chance d'être ici.


Saturday was our first show together. The pressure is rising. It was a small festival organized to celebrate the construction of a future cultural center in Cidade Tiradentes, a district of São Paulo made housing and slums. We boarded the material from Embu to go directly there, to a two-hour drive in a van cheissima. We are entering the area for about fifteen minutes, crossing places increasingly poor, to the place of the show. We were worried but
thrilled. While we took the instruments in the van, we were surrounded by gently neighborhood children, curious at seeing the French. They would not stop, but always humorous. Children 8 years have asked us about cigarettes, others asked for Stéphane's Eddy or where they came. It was crazy to settle in a place like this, in such an environment. We think too paranoid but when we saw that Victor was with his pocket as he played, we think it best to be cautious. The sound on stage was terrible, we do not hear, touch without really knowing what we were doing but it was great. One of the best moments happened when we play a prick on the wrist (I translate?) in front of an audience of curious, now be so paranoid about people.

Since Sunday we are in a studio and large, very warm, in Butantã taken to record live. We have six songs for now (without the voices and details). We finish by Thursday. Then we have a week off - it's been three weeks since we stopped - while Stéphane back to Paris to attend the radio show Le Pont des artistes. After going to another studio - or perhaps we will be the same - in early October. A show of Tante Hortense is planned in Berlin, trendy club Barra Funda, in the October 2, and played the Workshop on the 7th.

We are tired, we mix three languages, we lose all track of time (we've been here two months, right?), Laughed like beasts to approximate any pun, and at the same time, both bands come together, we are more effective, we awareness of pleasure and the luck that we have to be here.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Abnormal Pap Smeartampon Use


Nous revoila. On a passé la semaine to Embu, dans une maison à la campagne (enfin campagne ... Brazilian version, based on mango and toucans) to work on new songs. It was the kind Os Novos Bahianos trip, installed in the lounge in the garden in the shed, supported by our cook saving Patricia. Intense week since all together in one place, enhanced by the arrival of Leticia, who had in his luggage the music for a text Stephane My Bel Amant Du Berry . It was almost crying listening to him sing this. From there, a lot of new songs and a lot of work, eight, or in small groups scattered to the four corners of the house.

Add to that the tireless and valuable Juliette continued its substantive work of canvassing and promotion (a little more upcoming events), Helio, which we filmed, and Maria, the daughter of Vitor passing us from time to time, the house was rather lively, life without respite . We went a little into detail, tense days of the studio by approaching and the first concert in Tiradentes, in the middle of the favelas (see future posts). It has not touched the pool but we tasted the local cachaça (see future posts).

Finally, fifteen songs considered. We are currently in the studio, a suburb of Sao Paulo (that's two days it remains unclear how to get there ... the idea is to find the right bus on 3 or 4 000 running through the city ... ), it struggles to save most things, donc peu temps pour ce blog entertainment. Je crois that Leticia va prendre le relais. Je vous laisse, j'ai un solo to the faire.


We came back. We this week in Embu, an inn in the countryside (well, ... in the field version, with hoses and toucans!) To rehearse the new songs. It was a trip through New Bahians, installed in the lounge in the garden in the shed, supported by Patricia savior who cooked for us. The week was dense because we were all in the same place, and Leticia came bearing a song in their bags for the text Mon bel amant du Berry that Stéphane had written. Almost cried listening to her sing it. Thereafter, many new songs, and much work all together or in small groups installed in the four corners of the house.
Adding to that all the valuable and energetic Juliette which continued its substantial work for the production and promotion (some more shows are on the front), we filmed Helio and Maria, the daughter of Victor, who spent every once in a while house was very full of life, life without rest. We went over the details, because of the tense days of recording and the first show in Cidade Tiradentes, in the suburbs, who approached (see the next posts). We could not get into the pool but we experience the local rum (see the next posts).
After all, some fifteen songs to come. We are in the studio these days, in Butantã (there are two days and still not understand how to get down there ... The idea is to find the correct bus between 3 or 4,000 through the city ...), we are scraping to save as much as possible, ie we have little time to fuel this blog. I think Leticia will continue. I gotta go, I have to do a solo.

La première étape

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Love Kills Slowly Meaning

Day Off

du séjour s'est donc hier terminée. Aujourd'hui c'est Off. Eddy yesterday we took the liberty of inventing a new musical vocabulary word in Portuguese ... Vitor was asked how to say "make casseroles" (the funky guitar riffs of Billie Jean, for example) and there was no word. We therefore chose the word cock - galo - that turned into a verb, galocar , make casseroles. Or fazer Galos. We were happy with us.
Some pictures of the last day Oficina, truly unique.

A primeira da step estadia terminou ontem. Hoje é dia de folga. Ontem uma nova Eddy inventamos com palavra do português ... Perguntamos Vocabulario musical como para Vítor to say 'faire des cocottes' (the funky guitar riffs of "Billie Jean, for example) and there was no word. We have chosen the word cock, and turned it into a verb, galocar, do cocottes. Or do roosters. We were happy.
Some pictures of the last day in the workshop, unique place.

; ; ; Eddy

                                                     Beto, I am also TOCANDO

Learning Bossa Nova...



; Aunt Hortense disguised as a guitarist Oberkampf


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Get Shiny Starter Pokemon

We do the song again

it's been a week. One has the impression that it's been a month. From the songwriting, the arrangements in the morning, work at Oficina de 13h to 21h, sorting records and plays, setting up the blog, select photos, meals and discussions with Revista Do Samba, hours have evaporated. This first sequence of work Oficina (we moved from Vitor Monday at 30 km MS) is very dense and crucial. We seek a way of communicating, a way of working together and, more importantly, to understand our approaches respective music, to find where Aunt Hortense and Revista Do Samba can merge. It is always referred to ourselves, to our way of seeing things, to communicate, to consider the music. This aspect of the work is exciting because it is both to understand who we are, what culture you come from, while welcoming another, another music history. To trust and let happen what happens. So far we have five songs in the works, more or less advanced, and you begin to find a sound, not to mention the enormous pleasure of playing together, to show things, and talk about samba. We start
also understand a little better where we are in this city, connecting neighborhoods to each other. The gibberish debut was a little calmer and we focus on the Portuguese. With Eddy begins to valves in Portuguese, and at times we seem to Marseilles, toast it. The highway that runs through São Paulo, a sort of gigantic device is ubiquitous, the stream of cars is continuous, night and day. Pollution visible to the naked eye. It's so urban you see. In the street, garbage cans tend to accumulate, the mayor of MS has removed thousands of posts in the road departments while salaries of officials of the council have tripled ...
Dernière journée aujourd'hui the Workshop. Demain c'est off.
Ah, c'est l'heure du café ...


's been a week. We have the impression that a month ago. Between writing the songs, the arrangements in the morning, work in the workshop from 13h to 21h, sorting and recording of the hearings, writing the blog, the selection of photos, meals and conversations with the magazines, the hours are evaporated . This first sequence of work in the workshop (Monday we go to Victor's, some 30 km São Paulo) is very dense and crucial. We seek a form of communication, a way of working together and, more importantly, to understand our respective approaches to music to find the point at which Tante Hortense and Revista do Samba can mingle. In these circumstances, you are necessarily placed in front of yourself, your way of seeing things, to communicate them, thinking the music. This aspect of the work is exciting because it has to fully understand who we are, what culture we come from, while welcoming another culture, another history of music. Have confidence and let things happen. Until now we have five songs on the way, more or cruder, and begin to find a sound, not to mention the immense pleasure of playing together, to show up and talk about things samba.

also come to understand better where we are in this city, connecting the neighborhoods between them. The language of the first messy moments is getting a little better and focus on the Portuguese. With Eddy already started making jokes in Portuguese and, at times, we almost feel in Marseille, tranqüiiiiilo. The highway which crosses Sao Paulo, a kind of peripheral giant, omnipresent, the flow of cars is uninterrupted, night and day. Pollution is palpable. It's so urban, you know? On the streets, garbage piles up - the Mayor of Sao Paulo budget cut in services while sweeping tripled the salaries of top city officials ...

Last day in the workshop today. Tomorrow is off.

Oh, it was time for coffee ...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Jenna Jameson Brown Hair

Beto et Vitor - Beto and Vitor

Vraie the Workshop journée aujourd'hui. The arrival of Vitor percussionist and guitarist Beto, Revista Do Samba group, has strengthened the tone. We fell instantly in the game, all excited and curious. We're talking about sound, Brazilian music, it strikes. Finally we talk ... we improvise a mixture of French, Portuguese, English, English, Italian, Finnish or even Jean-Phi (its "stop" to say "stop it" is already a classic).

We started to cross pieces to form a directory. Vitor has an unstoppable groove, a pulse advancing while seeming to drag. Trippy ... Beto, more reserved, but equally sharp. Stephen looks to be in a dream. We all have a smile stuck. Some songs Aunt Hortense seemed to wait for it, and Amazon (Album Better , Les Disques Bien) made its return. Finally, three pieces of TH and a piece of Samba funk Beto facelift in this course today. We had the time to start getting into specifics, particularly on the song The Revolution, which some may have already heard a Charity or Marseille in Paradox. It crackles, this boat, it knits. Leticia and the singer is not there yet ...

Oficina The district would be much more pleasant and lively in the day. It feels good. Yesterday evening, dinner with Matthew, head of the Gaia label Discos, who briefed us a little about the rest of the project and the cultural and night life in Sao Paulo. It's beginning to look like something. We are still in our bubble, not yet aware of the situation here. Vague echoes of the presidential visit and inondations terribles d'il ya deux jours ... Encore faut qu'on arriver to caser journées des heures dans 36 des journées, 24. Allez, une caipirinha et au lit.


full day workshop on today. The arrival of Victor, percussionist, and Bob, the guitarist, the band's two Revista do Samba, did the tone change. We fell instantly in the game, excited and curious. We talk about sound, Brazilian music, things flow. Well, we talked ... improvise a mixture of French, Portuguese, English, English, Italian, Finnish and even to Jean-Phi (the 'stopp' when it means "let's stop 'already become classic).
started to cross to form a songwriting repertoire. Victor has a relentless groove, a pulse which, while advancing, gives the impression of taking your time. The biggest cost. Beto, despite being more secretive, is as sharp as he was. Stéphane seems to be a dream. All have a great smile that never disappears. It seems that some songs Tante Hortense were only waiting for this moment, and Amazonie (album Mieux Les Disques Bien) is returning to his homeland. We ended up with three songs from Tante Hortense and one of Bob's samba funk in which the training had a facelift. We had time to get into the details, particularly in La Revolution songs, some people may have heard a bienfaisance, or Paradox, in Marseille. This all crackles, scale, intertwines. And the singer, Leticia, has not arrived yet ...
The neighborhood around the workshop reveals much more pleasant during the day. It feels good. Last night, dinner with Matthieu responsible for producing discs Gaia, who gave us information about continuing the project and about the culture and nightlife of São Paulo. Things are settling. We're still in a bubble, we are not aware of the situation here. Vagos Echoes of the presidential visit and the terrible floods that occurred two days ago ... We have yet to find a place for 36 hours on days that fit only 24 hours. Come on, a caipirinha and to bed.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Jvc Gr-dv2000 Software

Cinq heures moins from - Five hours less

Marseille - Paris. Paris - Lisbonne. Lisboa - Sao Paulo. Taxi. Traversée de la ville, St. Paul est immense, grise, impassible. Tour to tour or détrempée alourdie par la chaleur. Première impression, c'est un seul grand quartier of 10 000 km2.
First weekend to absorb the jetlag, move into an apartment in Paraiso, and started writing songs almost immediately. We're here for five weeks to create a directory and record an album with the group Common Revista Do Samba.
It begins five weeks by ten-day residency at Teatro Oficina , place Zé Celso, director and legendary memory of the country. The building is located in a neighborhood, although roots, crossed by a highway. Inside, no scene, the audience is arranged vertically, Novo Teatro way. The goalkeeper has a machete to 60 cm long on hand. After the first four days to find a rhythm together, rub in the city, culture, scenery, drama Zé involved in this change of reference, an extension, pushing up a few notches further our energy. The music here is constantly flowing in, and inspires us already; writing at 8am, notebook and guitar ostinato hammered all morning, more traditional rehearsal in the afternoon, discussions, unbridled evening. Songs tucked in one go, heady drafts instantly labeled la ville.
Première sortie hier soir au arrosée Of The Borogodo, samba, danse, et caipirinha ... Demain, première journée de travail avec les Magazine ...
Marseille - Paris. Paris - Lisbon. Lisbon - Sao Paulo. Taxi. Across the city, Sao Paulo is huge, gray, impassive. Alternately diluted or overwhelmed by heat. First impression: it is a great neighborhood only 10,000 km2.
first weekend, we take the time zone, we settled in the apartment in Paradise and then almost started writing songs. We'll be here for five weeks, to list and record an album together with the band Revista do Samba.
began five weeks with these ten days of residence at the Theatre Workshop Ze Celso, mythic theater director and memory of the country. The building is situated in a popular, crossed by an avenue, near a motorway. Inside, no stage, the audience sits upright, the way the New Theatre. The custodian has a machete around 60 cm. After four days trying to find a common rhythm, rubbing in the city, culture, the lack of reference points, the theater's Ze participates in this process of change of references, the prolonged, gradually increasing our energy. Here, the music flows and it always inspires us, writing now 8am in the morning, notebook and guitar, Ostinato hammered all morning, more traditional tests in the afternoon, endless conversations in the evening. Songs completed in moments, sketches that do not leave the mind in a moment marked by the city.
First exit with caipirinha last night at the O Borogodó, samba, dance ... Tomorrow will be the first day of work with the magazines ...