The four-stringed Chinese lute is one of the oldest instruments still played, although he seems to have been significant changes since its appearance (its first mention) as instruments of the court orchestra Chinese Han Dynasty to -200 BC (300 years after Confucius, to speak more clearly). The changes came from the Silk Road, based on the pipa the shape of Iranian lute during the first centuries. Pipa The term refers to a family of instruments has evolved in different periods and regions.
Like all instruments of this type, it is ungrateful and austere. A very low volume, offset by the finest type of stamp that is (when it is near). The instrument has been popular in China outside the circles of the nobility, as indicated by the poet Xuan Fu of the Jin Dynasty (265-420 AD), in "Ode to Pipa," ... the pipa appeared during the last period of the Qin Dynasty. When the people suffered during the forced labor of the Great Wall China, they played this instrument to express their resentment. (found on this site ). We understand better that the Chinese people is not always of course ...
The program chosen by Yu Ling, in except Lai Xu (the sound of silence) "written in 1929 by Liu Tianhua and which gives its name to the album and is made up of traditional pieces.
essence of ancient melodies Ying Zhou, but we do not know much, if it is blended and traditions passed on by various people, reconstruction of classical Chinese music seems to be a long breath.
Gone fishing for information, I finally realized that the style of Ying Zhou is a specific school of pipa playing native of Chongming Island off the coast of Shanghai. Well, I know, you stay on your hunger, but the page the most complete and documented that seems to exist on the subject are few lines on the site of the Shanghai ...), a style that seems to have known his moment of glory during the rule of Emperor Xianfeng (1850-1861). Can also be found on the internet book of the thesis of one John Myers of the University of Maryland ( The Way of the Pipa ) who devotes a few lines on this style Ying Zhou. The songbook was published in 1919 in the early Republican period in China, and came from that date directory of performers of this instrument.
But the simplest is probably to listen to this beautiful disc.
There is also a Lingling Yu site, not very talkative, with three excerpts of better quality.
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